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A "Turkey" Vegetable Tray for Thanksgiving

Living healthy brings challenges and some of them are really excellent. Like a couple of years ago, I was asked to make a vegetable try for a family Thanksgiving dinner. Then it got comical when it was suggested I make it into the shape of a turkey. Well, one might not do that to me because I am up to most challenges.

It started with a plate...then it would up on a garbage can lid! How to make this? Buy lots of fresh, beautiful vegetables and super clean the garbage can lid! Have a shallow bowl to balance the garbage can lid on so that it doesn't fall.

For Garrett's Dip, I used one of our household favorites:

1 16-ounce container of fat-free sour cream

1 package Hidden Valley Ranch Mix, buttermilk is my favorite

Parsley, cilantro, black pepper, and a tiny bit of dill.

Mix it together well and serve chilled with the vegetables or use later as a spread for sandwiches.

Happy "Turkey" Tray,

Rita (and Garrett!)

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